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Poetry speaks who I am     

著者名 Elise Paschen/編
出版者 Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
出版年月 2010


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タイトルコード 1008001606176
書誌種別 図書
書名 Poetry speaks who I am     
書名ヨミ ポエトリー スピークス フー アイ アム 
著者名 Elise Paschen/編
著者名ヨミ パッシェン イリース
出版者 Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
出版年月 2010
ページ数 136p : ill.
大きさ 23cm
分類記号 931
言語区分 英語


1 Eternity
Jason Shinder/作
2 Perhaps the worlds ends here
Joy Harjo/作
3 Still I rise
Maya Angelou/作
4 Cinderella's diary
Ron Koertge/作
5 Vampire's serenade
Gioia Dana
6 Alone
Edgar Allan Poe/作
7 Alone
Siegfried Sassoon/作
8 Caroline
Joseph Allison
9 What are friends for...
Rosellen Brown/作
10 I loved my friend
Langston Hughes/作
11 In the fifth-grade locker room
Rebecca Lauren/作
12 Bra shopping
Parneshia Jones/作
13 Blood charm
Annie Finch/作
14 Pause
Nikki Grimes/作
15 The delight song of Tsoai-talee
N.Scott Momaday/作
16 Indian education
Sherman Alexie/作
17 One art
Elizabeth Bishop/作
18 Here
Arthur Sze/作
19 Haiku
Sanchez Sonia/作
20 Good girl
Molly Peacock/作
21 Bad boats
Laura Jensen/作
22 No images
Waring Cuney/作
23 Won't you celebrate with me
Lucille Clifton/作
24 What I'm telling you
Elizabeth Alexander/作
25 How I learned to sweep
Julia Alvarez/作
26 Sonnet 130
William Shakespeare/作
27 Litany
Billy Collins/作
28 A teenage couple
Brad Leithauser/作
29 Free period
David Yezzi/作
30 Zodiac
Elizabeth Alexander/作
31 The Skokie theatre
Edward Hirsch/作
32 Valentine
Cope Wendy/作
33 An angry Valentine
Myra Cohn Livingston/作
34 What great grief has made the Empress mute
June Jordan/作
35 Mad girl's love song
Sylvia Plath/作
36 How we heard the name
Alan Dugan/作
37 The gladiator
Kevin Prufer/作
38 Worth
Marilyn Nelson/作
39 I am a black
Gwendolyn Brooks/作
40 Lost sister
Cathy Song/作
41 Flash cards
Rita Dove/作
42 Arithmetic
Carl Sandburg/作
43 Dream variations
Langston Hughes/作
44 Dreams
Langston Hughes/作
45 Blackberry-picking
Seamus Heaney/作
46 Manners
Elizabeth Bishop/作
47 Mascara
Elizabeth Spires/作
48 from for a girl becoming
Joy Harjo/作
49 Everyday it is always there
Rainy Ortiz/作
50 Dear mama(4)
Wanda Coleman/作
51 A boy in a bed in the dark
Brad Sachs/作
52 The talk
Sharon Olds/作
53 A small poem
Calvin Forbes/作
54 Fears of the eighth grade
Toi Derricotte/作
55 When I have fears that I may cease to be
John Keats/作
56 Death of a snowman
Vernon Scannell/作
57 Oatmeal
Galway Kinnell/作
58 Eating poetry
Mark Strand/作
59 The bagel
David Ignatow/作
60 Hope is the thing with feathers
Emily Dickinson/作
61 If I can stop one heart from breaking
Emily Dickinson/作
62 The Duke's castle
John Fuller/作
63 Ozymandias
Percy Bysshe Shelley/作
64 The sacred
Stephen Dunn/作
65 The road not taken
Robert Frost/作
66 Prowess
Samuel Menashe/作
67 What we might be, what we are
X. J. Kennedy/作
68 Sideman
Paul Muldoon/作
69 XVIII. Oh, when I was in love with you
A. E. Housman/作
70 Sometimes with one I love
Walt Whitman/作
71 In the desert
Stephen Crane/作
72 Annabel Lee
Edgar Allan Poe/作
73 The summer of black widows
Sherman Alexie/作
74 Permanently
Kenneth Koch/作
75 A dog on his master
Billy Collins/作
76 Mowing
Midge Goldberg/作
77 Seal
William Jay Smith/作
78 Seahorses
Brad Leithauser/作
79 The germ
Ogden Nash/作
80 Baseball
Bill Zavatsky/作
81 Poetry slalom
Mary Jo Salter/作
82 How I discovered poetry
Marilyn Nelson/作
83 Used book shop
X. J. Kennedy/作
84 The survivor
Marilyn Chin/作
85 New clothes
Kay Ryan/作
86 Mediation
Kim Stafford/作
87 A fable
Louise Gluck/作
88 Houses
Nancy Willard/作
89 Snowmen
Agha Shahid Ali/作
90 The floral apron
Marilyn Chin/作
91 Abuelito who
Sandra Cisneros/作
92 Legacies
Nikki Giovanni/作
93 Instead of her own
Molly Peacock/作
94 Tia chucha
Luis J. Rodriguez/作
95 The adversary
Phyllis McGinley/作
96 What your mother tells you now
Mitsuye Yamada/作
97 33
Philip Schultz/作
98 49
Philip Schultz/作
99 What are heavy?
Christina Rossetti/作
100 The wind
Sara Teasdale/作
101 Acquainted with the night
Robert Frost/作
102 When you are old
W. B. Yeats/
103 "Nobody can counsel and help you"
Rainer Maria Rilke/作
104 "Live a while in these books"
Rainer Maria Rilke/作
105 Here yet be dragons
Lucille Clifton/作
106 Sedna
Kimiko Hahn/作
107 The writer
Richard Wilbur/作

